Overcoming overindulgence!
Overcoming overindulgence:
With Thanksgiving behind us but Christmas close in sight, it’s very easy for us to slip into the overeating mindset. The voice in the back of our heads reminds us we are probably full after the first plate, and may not really want dessert, but with all the delicious food in front of us and spirits lifted, we tell ourselves “I’ll just have one more slice”. In Ayurveda, this is known as Prajnaparadha which means ‘crimes against wisdom’ or ‘offence of the intellect’. We know something is not the best choice for us, but we do it anyways. These are the actions that lead us to an imbalance of the doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Of course enjoying food is an essential part of the holidays and we all let our hair down every now and then, but overeating can lead to a few undesirable after effects.