DIY Non-Toxic Bug Balm

Each morning I walk my dog Bailey through the salt marshes to the bay. It’s my favorite time of day and I love watching the Ospreys, the rabbits that always seem so busy and the deer that shyly show up. What has also shown up recently though – are the mosquitoes! I don’t want to […]
The Energizing Routine To Keep You Perky AND Happy All Day Long

When I look at the top symptoms my clients come to see me for – one that invariably comes up as a major problem is fatigue! So, if fatigue plagues you – here is my daily routine that will keep you energized all day long! I start my morning with a cup of warm water […]
Ayurveda And Genetics

Why Genetic Testing & Ayurveda Are A Perfect Match If you want to be healthy and you are fed up with the way you feel, what do you do? Perhaps you google healthy diets or healthy lifestyle and read the top posts. Perhaps you read a book with a title like ‘30 days to Vibrant […]
Ayurveda – The Next Big Thing In Hollywood

There are some things in Los Angeles worth booking far in advance — dinner reservations for Maude or Trois Mec, for example. Another hot ticket that you’ll want to plan ahead: a healing treatment with sought-after Ayurvedic guru Martha Soffer at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills. The origins of Ayurveda go […]
Why Solitude Is A Good Thing?

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass You don’t need to be a monk to find solitude, nor do you need to be a hermit to enjoy it. Solitude is a lost art in these days of ultra-connectedness, and while I don’t really mind being constantly connected, I do think […]
Ayurveda, Cancer, And My Sister

I think of the constants in my life… The places, the things, the people… and there is only one constant in all of it. My sister. We have not always been close, my sister and I, and that surprises most people who see us today. My sister and I start each day with our morning […]
Lose Weight By Breathing Right

My friend Sarah just told me that she hates summer, and is not looking forward to the upcoming warmer season. How can anyone hate summer? After all what’s not to love about little sun dresses, tanned arms and legs and sunkissed skin. Add to that longer days, picnics and light till 10 pm. How can […]
What Panchakarma Therapy Is Actually Like

I recently just returned from 2 weeks in Kerala, India for some much needed Ayurveda R&R. After all, you have to practice what you preach! For those of you that have never heard of Panchakarma treatment, it is an iconic treatment in Ayurveda based upon five therapies. Below is my story and experience going through […]
The Ayurvedic Process

We often get asked “How?” “How do you help people? How do you create long-lasting positive changes? How does Ayurveda work? etc…” The answer is simple, although perhaps not all that sexy. We have a well thought out process that takes people from their current health situation to where they want to be. We say it’s […]
7 Ways Walking Can Improve your Life

In recent years researchers have found the old-fashioned stroll produces amazing results. It can lower your bad cholesterol, increase cardiovascular fitness and stop bone loss. For maximum benefits, gear your walking to your body’s individual needs.Listen to what your body tells you and lets look at 7 ways walking can improve your life.
Exercise for Your Dosha

More than 5,000 years ago, the master Ayurvedic physician Charaka wrote, “From physical exercise, one gets lightness, a capacity for work, firmness, tolerance of difficulties, elimination of impurities, and stimulation of digestion.”
To keep your body in peak condition for as long as possible, you need to exercise it regularly, but this doesn’t mean pounding your muscles into shape. In the Ayurvedic view, exercise is meant to leave you feeling invigorated, happy, and ready for the day’s activities—not exhausted or in need of painkillers. Different bodies need different types of exercise, so for exercise for your dosha, look for activities that balance your metabolic type and avoid those that aggravate it. Keep reading for some exercise tips, according to your specific metabolic type. If you don’t already know your metabolic type or dosha, you can take our dosha quiz.
Give Yourself the Gift of Health for The New Year!

We have opened up the exciting presents, played with all the new gadgets and made sure we got last minute holiday purchase, chances are by now you are feeling that you are a little depleted. So give yourself the gift of health for the New Year.