Herbs That Heal: Guduchi – The Protector of the Body

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), also known as Amrit, is one of the most valued herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacy. It is described as ‘the one who protects the body’. According to myth, when the ancient gods churned the primordial ocean, they created a heavenly elixir that has saved celestial beings from old age and kept them […]
Herbs That Heal: Chawanprash – The Immunity Herbal Formula

Herbs That Heal: Chawanprash – The Immunity Herbal Formula My go-to when I need to build my immunity and after coming off my viral illness -its a daily dose for me right now! What is Chyawanprash? Chyawanprash is a 5000-year-old Ayurvedic nutritious herbal jam considered to be a Rasayana for all the tissues of the […]