Herbs That Heal: Chawanprash – The Immunity Herbal Formula

Herbs That Heal: Chawanprash - The Immunity Herbal Formula - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

My go-to when I need to build my immunity and after coming off my viral illness -its a daily dose for me right now!

What is Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash is a 5000-year-old Ayurvedic nutritious herbal jam considered to be a Rasayana for all the tissues of the body. Rasayana translates to “path of essence” as it promotes the systemic rejuvenation of the mind and body. Rasa is a Sanskrit term meaning “essence” and Ayana means “path.” The term rasayana not only refers to the science of prolonging life but also to the herbal remedies used to promote optimal health and reverse aging.

“Chyawan” is the name of the ancient Sage that is said to have restored his youth thousands of years ago by taking this powerful jam every morning followed by 40 minutes of meditation for 40 days. “Prash” means “to consume artfully.”

Antioxidant-rich spices, botanicals, and herbs are combined in a meticulous and specific manner with ghee, black sesame oil, and honey to create a delicious jam that can be taken every day to support overall health and vitality.

Health Benefits of Chyawanprash

Much of Chyawanprash’s health benefits come from its main ingredient, Amla Berry. However, it is the skillful incorporation of the other ingredients in the jam, that make it the powerful rasayana that it is. The various herbs and spices work together to support the beneficial actions of each other while the honey, jaggery, sesame oil, and ghee deliver the beneficial nutrients from each ingredient deep into the cells of the body, improving absorbency and efficacy.

Supports Immunity and Detoxification

Chyawanprash is best known for its support of the immune system, which is why it is such a popular tonic during the fall and winter months. Amla Berry, also known as Amalaki, is the main ingredient and base of Chyawanprash. It has a tart, sour taste and is an extremely rich source of vitamin C. Stress and poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, and poor dietary habits can all deplete the body’s stores of vitamin C and weaken the immune system. Several studies have shown vitamin C to have a positive effect on bolstering immunity. In addition, amla berry has been shown to have adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and regulate immunity.

Chyawanprash also supports the liver in the removal of ama, or toxins, from the blood and boosts the production of ojas, making it a powerful herb to bolster immunity. Ojas is a subtle essence said to be the end product of perfect digestion, that governs youthfulness, beauty, strength, sleep, digestion, and reproductive health.

Strength and Energy

The ingredients in Chyawanprash promote healthy muscle mass by supporting protein synthesis and the absorption of nutrients. Chyawaprash’s ability to bolster the immune system and remove damaging toxins and free radicals lend itself to supporting the general strength and energy of the body. It supports healthy muscle mass and tones all the tissues of the body.

Respiratory Health

Udana vata, a subdosha of vata dosha, governs the lungs, which become more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections during the fall and winter months. During the vata season, the lungs are more prone to infection, leading to dry coughs and colds. Chyawanprash is an excellent respiratory tonic as it protects the body from infection by nourishing the mucous membranes and supporting clear respiratory pathways.

>>> Read more about Ayurveda and the Three Doshas here

Supports Healthy Glucose Levels, Cholesterol Levels, and Weight

A study comparing the effects of Chyawanprash and vitamin C on blood cholesterol and blood glucose found that Chyawanprash had a more significant impact on the reduction of both compared to vitamin C alone. In addition, amla berry has also been shown to have significant cholesterol-lowering qualities aid in the reduction of weight. Another ingredient in Chyawanprash, black sesame oil, contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs) which help to reduce cholesterol. These healthy fats have also been shown to support weight loss, which in turn can help to reduce blood pressure.

Promotes Healthy and Radiant Skin

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a link between vitamin C intake and a lower likelihood of wrinkles, dry skin, and other signs of aging. In addition, the high antioxidant content of Amla Berry helps to fight free radicals that can promote premature aging. Another study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine revealed regular consumption of Chyawanprash to have beneficial effects on the slowing down of skin photoaging.


Cognitive decline can be an all too common result of aging, however, modern scientific research has shown Chyawanprash to have positive effects upon memory and cognitive health, due to its high antioxidant activity. In addition, black sesame oil and ghee, two of the ingredients in the herbal jam, are rich sources of alpha-linolenic acid, which have been shown to have significant neuroprotective benefits.

Digestion and Metabolism

Ancient wisdom and modern science can both agree that there is a direct link between digestion and immune health. According to Ayurveda, the digestive process begins with taste. Chyawanprash incorporates five of the six tastes – sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent – leaving out salty. From the moment we taste our food, our body begins producing the digestive juices and enzymes needed to digest them. Including as many of the six tastes in your meals will also help to curb your cravings and prevent overeating by making you feel more satisfied. In addition, Chyawanprash kindles Agni, or the digestive fire, without aggravating pitta dosha, and supports healthy elimination. Warming spices such as long pepper fruit, cardamom, saffron, ginger, and cinnamon in Chyawanprash tonify Agni while licorice and ghee balance overheating of the pitta dosha. Digestion and metabolism are both governed by pitta and work synergistically.

Reproductive Health

Chyawanprash is a rasayana that works on all tissues, or dhatus, of the body – Rasa (blood plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), meda (adipose), asthi (bone), majja (bone marrow), and shukra (reproductive). In this way, it helps to strengthen and tonify all the dhatus and can serve to support reproductive health and energy.

Heart Health

The linolenic rich fats from the black sesame oil and ghee in Chyawanprash have been shown to have cardio-protective effects on the heart. Ghee is a rich source of conjugated linolenic fat (CLA), which has been shown to be protective against arterial plaque and carcinogens. As a result, researchers say that ghee may be helpful in the fight against cardiovascular disease. In addition, an article published in the journal Phytotherapy Research revealed amla berry to have protective benefits against the oxidative damage from stroke and vascular disease.

Where to Get Authentic Chyawanprash?

I particularly like Lotus Blooming Herbs, and I am taking my chyawanprash daily to recuperate from my viral illness. What I like about their chyawanprash is they make it according to the traditional science and methods of Ayurveda, incorporating only the purest and meticulously sourced ingredients. It takes a full 21 days to make one batch of Lotus Blooming Herbs Chyawanprash, as each ingredient is added at the optimal time of the moon cycle for maximum potency.

Want more immune building recipes? Take a look at my meal plan and start with a 2 week free trial – packed full of recipes right for your dosha and right for the season.




* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.