Welcoming Our New Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant-Janine
Welcome Janine
Such exciting news. We are expanding at the Holistic Highway and I am thrilled to introduce you to Janine Hassell. She is an Ayurveda Lifestyle Councilor, trained to give Ayurveda advice around nutrition and lifestyle. You know those areas where the rubber meets the road…
Janine currently lives in sunny California where she trained as an Ayurveda Lifestyle Councilor. She brings valuable expertise in nutrition and weight loss and will be a welcome addition. What I was impressed with, is her ability to determine the imbalance and apply her impressive knowledge of diet and lifestyle.
Here are her words…
“Hi everyone! My name is Janine and I have been a practitioner of Ayurveda since 2013. My passion for Ayurveda began many years ago when I began having health problems at the age of 22. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I had chronic migraines, low energy, and was carrying around 60 extra pounds!
At that time I had no idea how significantly our diets determined our physical well being, and thankfully was put in touch with a holistic nutritionist who helped me completely turn my health around. After all my health issues went away, I felt vibrant, energetic, and happy for the first time in a long time, and that sent me on a path looking for more.
I discovered Ayurveda and that was the final piece of the puzzle that I intuitively felt was missing. Ayurveda addresses health of not just our physical bodies, but also of mind and spirit, and only when all of those pieces are in balance, can we experience true health and happiness. I am so excited to embark on this journey with all of you and I look forward to being part of the team at the Holistic Highway!