“In spite of being totally exhausted, I can’t sleep.” “It takes me hours and hours to fall asleep.” “I can’t focus during the day.”
Sleep disorders can wear you down. When the regeneration of the night’s sleep isn’t sufficient, you can suffer from impaired concentration, lack of memory, lack of motivation, depression or irritability, as well as a general lack of vitality. No matter what the actual cause is: The battery is empty and cannot be fully recharged through the normal regeneration of a night’s sleep.
Symptoms of Insomnia
in Work

Causes of Insomnia
A growing barrage of background noise, pollution, pressures of work schedules and even leisure schedules, as well as too short a night’s sleep – all these factors keep our system from settling down.
Even in times of rest, our inner engine continues to run at full speed. Due to the imbalances of our modern diet, our metabolism and nervous systems suffer from a depletion of vital substances that are needed in order to function properly. Each person is different and so each person’s sleep disorder varies.
Where to Get Help for Insomnia
Don’t let Insomnia control your life any longer
Holistic Care for a Variety of Health Conditions

Often fatigue has a lot to do with the Adrenals; two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys. The purpose of your Adrenal glands is to help your body cope with stress and survive.

Sleep disorders can wear you down. When the regeneration of the night’s sleep isn’t sufficient, you can suffer from impaired concentration, lack of memory, lack of motivation, depression or irritability.

When fear is a constant companion. Anxiety is a condition marked by excessive worry, fear, or nervousness that can interfere with daily activities and overall well-being.

Menopause is not a “disease” but a natural transition that women go through as they age. Normally occurring in a woman’s 50s, menopause literally means the cessation of menstruation.

Weight Loss
Weight gain obviously has diet as a factor, however, it’s not just about what food you are putting in your mouth, but how your body is processing that food.

Skin Issues
The skin is the largest organ on the body, and is a direct reflection of our internal environment. If your body is inflamed, your skin may present with a variety of conditions.

Digestion Issues
Digestive disorders have been given many names in Allopathic Medicine, but they all essentially relate to one thing: The Microbiome

Autoimmune disorders
Autoimmune disease is on the rise all over the world. More and more people are being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease daily

Diabetes is one of the most common problems in the United States today, with over 26 million Americans affected. This disease disrupts all aspects of human physiology