The Anti-Aging Skin Care Regime for your Dosha
How can I achieve fabulous, youthful skin with Anti-Aging Skin Care? Your skin is like a mirror—that can offer clues about how healthy your habits are and what’s happening to your internal systems. When we scrutinize our skin and understand the causes behind symptoms such as hyperpigmentation, acne, dryness, wrinkles, sensitivity, redness, and rashes, we […]
Holistic Living: Move More Month
Spring into Holistic Living: Embracing Movement for Health and Vitality Warm weather and sunny days are finally upon us! It is officially Springtime now! With the warmer weather here, it is time to embrace holistic living by moving your body and shaking off that winter stiffness. Here are a few reasons why you should get […]
Top 5 Life Resolutions for a Healthier and Happier Year
How many times have we set a list of life resolutions only to scrap them by the end of January? This year, we implore you to find a new way to approach your New Year’s. Follow our five simple steps to revitalize your life in a way that you are sure to keep. As you […]
5 Ways to Balance Vata for a Healthy Fall
5 Ways to Balance Vata for a Healthy Fall Fall is a time of transition, both in nature and in your body. The days grow noticeably shorter, each evening the darkness setting in earlier and earlier. The mornings start with a chill and you may need to start wearing your slippers around the house again. […]
Flawless Skin with Ayurveda
Do you feel under pressure to achieve a glowing, blemish-free complexion year-round? How much have you spent on skin products, all touting to give you that flawless skin -hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars each year? If you are anything like me – you probably have a drawer full of half used skin care […]
We Did This For You – Get Smooth Radiant Skin With Our DIY Summer Body Scrub
Achieve Smooth, Radiant Skin with This DIY Summer Body Scrub Your skin is the protective barrier between your body and the outside world. Every day, it comes into contact with harmful chemicals, pathogens and UV rays. It also serves the essential function of regulating your body temperature. Your skin helps keep you cool by excreting […]
9 Reasons Why You Should Dry Skin Brush
9 Reasons Why You Should Dry Skin Brush You’ve heard of skin brushing, right? You may even have tried it already and not even known it. If you’ve ever been at a spa or come to The Ayurveda Sanctuary, you have likely experienced some of the tingling and invigorating benefits of dry skin brushing. It’s […]
Travel Well With A Few Ayurveda Tips This Thanksgiving!
Travel Well With A Few Ayurveda Tips This Thanksgiving! These dark, cold November evenings are made a little easier as the promise of turkey and pumpkin pie is right around the corner. The holidays are a time for celebration, but the excess of your Thanksgiving feast, and all the travel this time of year entails, […]
DIY Non-Toxic Bug Balm
DIY Non-Toxic Bug Balm Each morning I walk my dog Bailey through the salt marshes to the bay. It’s my favorite time of day and I love watching the Ospreys, the rabbits that always seem so busy and the deer that shyly show up. What has also shown up recently though – are the mosquitoes! […]
The Energizing Routine To Keep You Perky AND Happy All Day Long
The Energizing Routine To Keep You Perky AND Happy All Day Long When I look at the top symptoms my clients come to see me for – one that invariably comes up as a major problem is fatigue! So, if fatigue plagues you – here is my daily routine that will keep you energized all […]
Ayurveda And Genetics
Ayurveda And Genetics Why Genetic Testing & Ayurveda Are A Perfect Match If you want to be healthy and you are fed up with the way you feel, what do you do? Perhaps you google healthy diets or healthy lifestyle and read the top posts. Perhaps you read a book with a title like ‘30 […]
Ayurveda, Cancer, And My Sister
Ayurveda, Cancer, And My Sister I think of the constants in my life… The places, the things, the people… and there is only one constant in all of it. My sister. We have not always been close, my sister and I, and that surprises most people who see us today. My sister and I start […]