Meals That Heal – Blueberry Lavender Smoothie

Meals That Heal - Blueberry Lavender Smoothie - The Holistic Highway - Ayurveda


Yeah for summer! This delicious Blueberry Lavender Smoothie is like a big bowl of goodness, you can just feel it nourishing each cell as you sip on this light and refreshing drink. This is the perfect breakfast or afternoon pick-me-up on a hot summer day. It’s the ideal drink to pacify Vata and cool Pitta.

Eastern View: Did you know that blueberries being astringent cool an overheated mind? By popping a few blueberries you will start to feel more calm and relaxed. You may also feel cooler – a sure sign that the blueberries are working on your liver and cooling the Pitta that is likely to get heated and fired up this time of year. Blueberries like all summer berries protect the liver by reducing the level of inflammation in the blood. They are a natural anti-oxidant and as such help with free radicals that can interfere with detoxification and ultimately cause cancer. Blueberries are also considered a brain cooler – great if you suffer migraines, irritability, and anger (all signs of Pitta aggravation).  

Lavender has a long history of use and is cited as having a wide range of applications. When taken internally, lavender is a mild sedative that helps with restlessness and insomnia, reduces stomach acid and gas, and alleviates other intestinal difficulties. Bitter tasting but with a rich and sweet aroma, lavender is often used in many calming teas. Lavender is also used in aromatherapy as a holistic relaxant and is said to have carminative, antiflatulence and anti-colic properties. 

Western View: Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal minor burns and bug bites. Research suggests that it may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness.

Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, and abdominal swelling. In addition to helping with digestive problems, lavender is used to help relieve pain from headaches, sprains, toothaches, and sores. It can also be used to prevent hair loss.

Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all the popular fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids appear to be the berries’ antioxidant with the greatest impact. Several studies suggest that blueberries and blueberry juice reduce DNA damage, which is a leading driver of aging and cancer. Some evidence indicates that eating fruits rich in anthocyanins — such as blueberries — is associated with a reduced risk of heart attacks. and the antioxidants in blueberries seem to benefit your brain by aiding brain function and delaying mental decline. Several studies demonstrate that blueberries have anti-diabetes effects, improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels.

Blueberry Lavender Smoothie Recipe

Meals That Heal - Blueberry Lavender Smoothie - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Meals That Heal: Blueberry Lavender Smoothie

Yeah for summer! This delicious smoothie is like a big bowl of goodness, you can just feel it nourishing each cell as you sip on this light and refreshing drink. This is the perfect breakfast or afternoon pick me up on a hot summer day. Its the ideal drink to pacify Vata and cool Pitta.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
1 1 minute
Total Time 6 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 2



  • Process all the ingredients in a blender on high speed for one minute or until smooth.
    Serve immediately. 
Keyword avocado, Blueberry, coconut milk, Lavender, sesame seeds
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Prepare to feel cool and refreshed after this Blueberry Lavender Smoothie! If you want more tips on how to cool and soothe inflammation, check out our free 5 Day Anti-Inflammatory Cleanse today.

In health,