I am thrilled to introduce you to Meredith who has just joined us as an Ayurveda Coach. I have known Meredith for the last several years and watched her really shine. I am honored to have her join us here at The Holistic Highway and can’t wait for you all to meet her soon.
Meet Meredith, Our Ayurveda Coach
Hello there,
I would like to introduce myself to you and let you get to know me. My name is Meredith Hartlage, and I am an Ayurveda Coach, Holistic Nutritionist and Adjunct Professor of Nutrition at Washington and Jefferson College in Pittsburgh, PA. I came to know the value of holistic living through my love of food and cooking. Starting with simply eating “right”, I moved to not only preparing my own foods from scratch but also growing what I could in my own garden. I was amazed at the impact of simply reconnecting myself, and my needs to the earth.
One avenue led to another, and before I knew it, I was immersed not just in natural foods but in natural living. It was through adopting these principles that I came to experience true holistic healing. Knowing joy, contentment, and peace in life for the first time was something I never expected, and certainly not as a result of simplifying my life and following the practices of natural health.
It was while I was on this journey that I realized I had received a gift, and it was my responsibility to share this gift with others. When you feel good, and you’ve found truth in a mission, you can’t help but let it shine forward. I returned to school and earned my Masters of Science in Holistic Nutrition from American College of Healthcare Sciences. I chose to pursue Holistic Nutrition because I believe in it. I know deeply the value of honoring myself as an individual, and I understand that to offer anything less to others around me would be a disservice to them and to myself.
And so it is that I have found my way here to you now, at The Holistic Highway. I met Kerry Harling three years ago through a mutual friend. We met for coffee and discussed Ayurveda and natural living. I remember telling her I felt a strong connection to her and her path in life. I believed she was meant to teach me about Ayurveda that day. While I was in school she remained in my periphery, and she continued to grow and strengthen her practice. Ayurveda as an approach was also something that had been in my periphery, but as the years passed I found myself steadily coming back to it, refocusing, moving it closer and closer to front and center. I continued to read about it, to learn, to absorb.
About a year ago, an opportunity presented itself to me to just dive in to Ayurveda. So I dove. While I consider myself very much a student of Ayurveda, and likely always will, the healing ways of Ayurveda resonate strongly with me. It is no surprise to me that I have found my way back to Kerry once again. It is with pleasure and joy that I can join her and bring my skills to you. I am honored to meet you all, and to work with you on finding true wellbeing in your lives. Thank you for the opportunity and cheers to the future ahead!
You can always reach me at meredith@theholistichighway.com.
In health,