What it means to be a Vata




More About Your Dosha

Your body is composed of all three doshas. We have all three doshas in each of us, but we have them in unique combinations. This unique combination is what creates YOU and is the reason why Ayurveda is highly individualized. So let’s look at you.

You are a Vata and as such you can talk fast, walk fast, create fast and worry fast. You have a tendency towards a thin frame and lack of insulation. You can have a slender physique, an oval shaped face and your hair can be more towards the thin and dry side. You really are quite delicate both physically and emotionally. Your mood and mind change easily. You can quickly go out of balance and just as quickly come back into balance.

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Dosha Report - Vata - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz
  • You think fast, talk fast, love being with other people, and enjoy travel and change.
  • You are so enthusiastic and full of energy that it’s hard to keep you grounded. Much like the wind, you are changeable.
  • Wonderfully creative with an artistic bent, you drum to a different beat. You are unique, and quite like it that way.
  • You are very active, often restless and sometimes find it hard to relax. You have a strong and sensitive spirit.
  • You are good at initiating things, but not necessarily at following them through.
  • You are prone to poor memory, lack of concentration, disorganization, fear and anxiety.
  • You can suffer from nervous problems such as disorientation, panic attacks and mood swings.
  • The balanced ‘you’ is active, creative, and gifted with a natural ability to express and communicate. 

Vata Characteristics


Thinner lips, expressive and narrow features.


Skin is dry and cool, tans easily, nails are brittle and hair is curly or frizzy.


Energetic, creative and flexible with an ability to ‘think outside the box’. Relies on intuition.


Small frame, slender with bones that are visible especially around the joints.


Sensitive digestion which is erratic. You can be ravenously hungry one day and forget to eat the next day.


Spontaneous, eager to start new projects. Takes initiative and is a lively conversationalist.

Signs & Symptoms of Imbalance

We often think of our health in terms of symptoms, however, symptoms are just signs of an underlying problem or imbalance. We want to treat the underlying cause of the imbalance and not just the symptoms.

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  • Aching pain in the bones, cracking joints, arthritis, low backache
  • Nervousness, anxiety, panic, fear
  • Fatigue, lowered resistance to infection, loss of weight
  • Tinnitus, tingling, numbness
  • Twitches, tics, tremors, spasms
  • Dry skin and hair, brittle nails, chapped skin
  • Constipation, gas, bloating, dry, hard stools, explosive diarrhea (aggravated by anxiety)
  • Dislike of cold and wind, feeling cold and poor circulation
  • Pain (cutting or migrating), poor coordination
  • Insomnia, restless sleep, tension and anxiety
  • Insecurity, mental agitation, depression, restlessness
  • Difficulty tolerating loud noises
  • Spacy, scattered feeling
  • Excess thinking or worrying

Get Back in Balance

Lifestyle Recommendations

In order to eliminate symptoms and get back in balance, consider the following specific recommendations by clicking the link below:


  • Walking is the ideal exercise for balancing Vata. Vatas need a reliable schedule so walking in the early morning, for about 20 minutes every day. Any mind-body exercise will help ground the flighty Vata. Think restorative yoga, meditation or a grounding walk in nature.

Mental Health

  • Plenty of relaxation, rest and sleep; avoid overstimulation and doing too much. This will calm the central nervous system that gets hyper-sensitized for you as a Vata.
  • Set aside about 30 minutes each day for meditation, to help calm the mind and enhance body-mind-spirit coordination.


  • Do not skip meals. Even though you can forget to eat, skipping meals will increase fatigue. Eat a nourishing lunch at mid-day and lighter meals at breakfast and dinner. Have a light diet of warm, soft foods, avoiding hard, raw, dry, and indigestible foods. As your digestion can be pretty sensitive, it is best not to overtax it with dry, difficult-to-digest food.

  • Sit down to eat each meal, eat in a peaceful atmosphere with your attention on your food, and sit quietly for a few minutes after your meal. If your digestion is irregular, practicing these eating habits will help make your digestion more regular. This will help with gas, bloating and constipation which Vatas have a tendency towards. Vatas are sensitive to stress and we now know that stress affects the digestive system first and causes it to dry out – this causes constipation.

  • Use mild spices such as fresh ginger, cumin, cardamom, fennel, and coriander. These spices aid in the digestive process.

  • Increase sweet, sour, and salty foods. These foods, in general, balance Vata by calming the central nervous system and minimize pungent, bitter, and astringent foods which are more catabolic in nature and can wear Vatas down.
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Here are some great balancing recipes for you

Body Care

  • Protect yourself from the cold and wind. Stay warm and toasty in cold weather by wearing several layers of clothing. Wear a cap and scarf when you go out to protect your ears and throat. Wear lip balm to prevent lips from getting dry and chafed.

  • To pamper dry skin, to promote circulation and to nourish and tone muscles and nerves, indulge in a soothing self-massage at least three times a week before you shower. Use almond or sesame oil for your massage.
  • Daily elimination is very important to prevent digestive toxins from accumulating in the body. Amalaki is a herb you might want to look into that helps with detoxification as well as cools the digestive system.


  • You may have to woo sleep if Vata dosha is aggravated. It is important to get to bed early so that you can get adequate rest each night. A cup of warm milk, with a pinch of nutmeg, can be helpful before bedtime.
  • Nutmeg is associated with a long list of health benefits, including its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, detox the body, boost skin health, strengthen the immune system and improve blood circulation. Nutmeg is also believed to possess mild sedative properties that can help those who suffer from insomnia.

Start your healing journey today

Each of us is unique and your dosha gives you tremendous insights into your unique nature. If you would like more help on how to connect the dots to stay happy, healthy and disease free. Start your healing journey today by booking a complimentary consultation.

Vata Skincare

  • If you like, you can add 3-4 drops of a pure essential oil such as lavender or rose to 2 oz. of massage oil. Mix well before use.
  • Two or three times a week, massage your scalp with warm oil, and let the oil stay for an hour or two before you shampoo. After your shower or bath, apply a pure, gentle moisturizer all over your body to keep your skin feeling nourished all day long.