Our Transformational Wellness Program

Everyone is different, and as such, your treatment must reflect your individuality.

Transformation Wellness Programs By The Holistic Highway
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With our Wellness Program, we have helped thousands of clients treat the root cause of their illness using a personalized approach, focusing on the science of genetics, lifestyle and diet. Using food as medicine, we work on achieving balance in all of the systems in the body so that it functions optimally. We partner with you to support your body’s natural ability to heal.

Our program has the built in support, guidance, one-on-one attention and community that you need to achieve optimal health. We have one comprehensive and distinct wellness program with two coaching options to accommodate your health needs, budget and level of personalized attention you desire.

Our Wellness Program Integrative Approach


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Your genes make you, “you.” We are all different and thus understanding your genetic profile allows us to uncover what foods are right for you, what exercises are ideal for your body, and even what lifestyle choices are right for you.


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Environmental Inputs

Everything in our environment interacts with our genes to create health or disease. This is the revolutionary concept of epigenetics.

Our diets, nutritional status, air, water, how much we exercise, trauma, psychosocial factors, and exposure to environmental toxins and radiation can all influence our genes and our health. Creating a healthy environment inside and out is our first step to balancing the system.


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Inflammation and Immune Balance

When your immune system shifts out of balance, inflammation can run rampant causing chronic symptoms that contribute to disease. Managing inflammation is the second step to achieving optimal health.


The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Hormones and Neurotransmitters

Most people are living out of harmony with their biological rhythms. The reason is this: two kinds of small molecules, which we depend on to keep us in balance, are running haywire. They are hormones and neurotransmitters, and uncovering reasons for imbalances in these areas is essential.


Gut and Digestive Health

Optimal gut health has become a prominent focus in today’s world. The links between chronic illness and an imbalanced microbiome keep growing. Our gut is at the core of our health. Understanding why it breaks down and how to repair it becomes of the utmost importance.



Detoxification is the science of how our bodies get rid of waste. If waste builds up, it creates inflammation and medicine now knows that inflammation creates disease and we get sick. The key becomes figuring out how to enhance our body’s capacity to detoxify and get rid of waste while minimizing our exposure to toxins.


The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Energy and Oxidative Stress

Energy – how we make it, why we lose it, and how to create more of it. Understanding how to optimize our mitochondria (energy factories) and how to reduce oxidative stress (which results from toxic insults, infections, allergens, stress, and just eating too much poor quality food) is an often overlooked yet vital component to becoming a thriving healthy person full of vitality.


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The Mind-body System

The body and the mind are a dynamic bi-directional system. What you do to one has an enormous impact on the other. What you do to your body you do to your brain. Understanding the importance of this relationship is the ultimate step to wellness.

Start the road to health today

Our Wellness Plan

Join our Navigator plan to start you on your road to health. For additional support we offer one on one coaching programs

Wellness Plan Navigator

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Designed by Kerry, Master Ayurveda Practioner

One time payment: $497.00

Navigator Plan

This is what is included in your personalized Navigator Plan

Customized Transformational Wellness Plan|

A personalized action plan that highlights the high-impact changes you can make to your lifestyle and daily habits to slow aging and have vitality.

Genetics Plan

The results are in. You’ll get accurate results into your biological health based on your DNA

Nutritional Plan

Discover what foods are best for your body type and wellness goals. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets.

Excercise Plan

Learn when and how to exercise to optimize your health and well-being based upon your genetics and Ayurveda body type.

Lifestyle Plan

Get guidance on lifestyle adjustments that can make a significant impact on your overall wellness

Mental Health Plan

Receive strategies to enhance your mental well-being and stress management.

Herbal Plan

Explore the benefits of Ayurveda herbs personalized for your specific needs and all designed to get you to your health goals quicker.

Private Facebook Group

Where you can go for support – after all we all need a little help on our journey.



Add the support with our 1:1 coaching programs

Select the right coaching program

Choose the right coaching plan and unlock a more vital you! Some of your best days may just be ahead of you. We work in 3-month packages for all our clients. Price varies based on whether you prefer to work with our Ayurveda counselors or Owner and Founder Kerry – Ayurveda Practitioner.

  • Three-Month (Weekly Coaching): Receive personalized guidance and support from our expert Ayurveda counselors. $1750. Payment plans are available.
  • Three-Month (Weekly Coaching) with Kerry: For a more exclusive experience, work directly with Kerry, owner, and Master Ayurveda Practitioner. $5,000.
  • Payment plans are available.
Why 3-Months?

We recommend at a minimum the 3-month coaching program. Why three months? Addressing health from a root-cause perspective takes time and commitment. Other coaching lengths of time can be designed for your needs. However, we recommend a minimum of 3 months support. Our coaching programs are designed to keep you on track, motivated, and empowered throughout your wellness journey.

– Weekly check-ins to give you accountability and the support you need to start making better lifestyle changes to thrive.

– Unlimited email support.

– Seasonal consultation to update you on the seasonal healing foods that are right for you.

– Personalized Digestive Reset and Refresh Cleanse.

– Meal plan, 5 new recipes each week designed for your dosha and season. Each meal plan comes with a shopping list – so you just get the right food and know you are eating all the right foods for you throughout the week.

– In-depth and personalized protocols with nutrition, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations.

– Access to Ayurveda products and skin care line + 10% off.

– Unlimited resources for lifestyle and dietary support (grocery lists, meal prep, snacks, detox guides, etc.)

– Access to our client membership forum with educational modules, monthly LIVE Q+A with the team and more!

Team member Lisa Scarborough is currently taking on all of our 1-1 clients. Our Ayurveda Counselors have been hand-picked by our CEO, Kerry Harling, so you can trust you’re in great hands. Kerry also has eyes and hands on every client protocol that is created, so although you may not be working with Kerry 1:1, you’re absolutely getting her input on the back end. Kerry is only taking a select few 1-1 clients.

Start Today! We are almost fully booked so slots fill up fast.

Not sure what is right for you? Just sign up to schedule a FREE 30-minute session with us so we can help you strategize the best next steps. There is nothing to lose and a world of success to gain.

How it works

View The Roadmap Ahead

1. Discovering what makes you, you!

We start with an initial consultation to review your medical history and lifestyle information including a discussion of health concerns and health goals. This is where we can put all the pieces of the puzzle together and see who you are. Not just who you are today with the symptoms you have – but who you have been in the past. Furthermore, our program also includes genetic testing. This testing will illuminate your bio-individuality further and allow us to customize your wellness plan right down to the molecular level.

2. Developing your personalized, dynamic wellness plan

This results in a customized wellness plan that is based upon a diagnosis of all your imbalances combined with the information and insights associated with your genetic make-up. Next, we develop a comprehensive wellness plan that is based upon your health needs using the information uncovered in the testing and consultation. The plan is multifaceted and broken down into exercise support, lifestyle support, herbal support, nutritional support, stress support and mental health support where appropriate. The foods to eat, the exercises that are right for you, the lifestyle trappings to avoid or pursue is all part of your bespoke plan.

3. Plan implementation, ongoing maintenance and support

Adding on the coaching allows us to provide consistent check-ins along with seasonal consultations to help you implement your plan and give you that ongoing support you are going to need when you need it the most. Because we have weekly coaching sessions with you – we are very sensitive to what is going on in your world and can adjust your bespoke plan accordingly.

Select the right coaching program

The Holistic Highway -Ayurveda - Integrative Approach Optimal Health And Wellness


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