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5 Reasons You Need To Cleanse

5 Reasons You Need To Cleanse - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

5 Reasons You Need To Cleanse Let’s face it – we live in a toxic world. From our personal care products to the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. We are bombarded with chemicals. Our bodies are pretty good at detoxifying and indeed we have many system for just […]

We Did This For You – Get Smooth Radiant Skin With Our DIY Summer Body Scrub

We Did This For You - Get Smooth Radiant Skin With Our DIY Summer Body Scrub - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Achieve Smooth, Radiant Skin with This DIY Summer Body Scrub Your skin is the protective barrier between your body and the outside world. Every day, it comes into contact with harmful chemicals, pathogens and UV rays. It also serves the essential function of regulating your body temperature. Your skin helps keep you cool by excreting […]

Meals That Heal – Spring Detox Soup

Meals That Heal - Spring Detox Soup - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Meals That Heal – Spring Detox Soup After a long winter, when our bodies are deprived of fresh nutrients, vitamin D from direct sunlight and outside exercising;  a detox cleanse is the best thing you to restore your wellness estate. Fresh bitter vegetables, kitchari and soups are a must during a spring detox. They give […]

Why Cleanse The Ayurveda Way This Fall?

Why Cleanse The Ayurveda Way This Fall? - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Why Cleanse The Ayurveda Way This Fall? When you hear the word “cleanse,” what do you picture? For many, it invokes images of deprivation, fasting, and discomfort. There are countless cleanses available online, most promising dramatic results in a short period of time. This can be a tempting option if you feel stuck in a […]

5 Reasons You Need to Detox This January: and a January Detox Diet.

5 Reasons You Need to Detox This January: and a January Detox Diet - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz


After an indulgent holiday season, you may be looking forward to a fresh start.  Gym memberships are popular,  a myriad of diet plans are being googled, and the ink on your New Year’s resolutions is not yet dry. And, although it might sound painful, a January detox is a great way to kick start your new health and fitness regime. However, a detox can conjure up images of colonics and shakes, days of eating nothing but liquids and living off a strange combination of hot water and spices; however, a January detox is a huge jumpstart for your health and a reboot for your sluggish metabolism. It’s fun, easy to do and a direct route to feeling fabulous and full of vitality – and will drop those extra pounds you may have put on over the holidays.

Let’s take a look at 5 Reasons you should kick-start the year with a detox this January.