We Did This For You – Get Smooth Radiant Skin With Our DIY Summer Body Scrub

Achieve Smooth, Radiant Skin with This DIY Summer Body Scrub Your skin is the protective barrier between your body and the outside world. Every day, it comes into contact with harmful chemicals, pathogens and UV rays. It also serves the essential function of regulating your body temperature. Your skin helps keep you cool by excreting […]
What Panchakarma Therapy Is Actually Like

What Panchakarma Therapy Is Actually Like I recently just returned from 2 weeks in Kerala, India for some much needed Ayurveda R&R. After all, you have to practice what you preach! For those of you that have never heard of Panchakarma treatment, it is an iconic treatment in Ayurveda based upon five therapies. Below is […]
Back to School and your Childs Health Needs-with Ayurveda

Back to School:
It’s time to go back-to-school shopping and you have all three children in the car. You still have “stuff” to get and the kids seem to be getting antsy. You note that your daughter, red-haired Susie, keeps saying, “I’m hot!” and “I’m hungry. When do we eat?” She is trying to get the others to play a guessing game, which she usually wins.