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Meals That Heal – Roasted Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, Peppers & Goat Cheese

Meals That Heal - Roasted Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, Peppers & Goat Cheese - The Holistic Highway: Ayurveda Sanctuary - Ayurvedic Meal Plan - Transformational Wellness Program - Dosha Quiz: Vata - Pitta - Kapha - Skincare Quiz

Meals That Heal – Roasted Acorn Squash with Mushrooms, Peppers & Goat Cheese In honor of National Acorn Squash Day ( who knew!) here is one of our favorites!  Eastern View: Acorn Squash is a nourishing, grounding vegetable whose sweetness can be the centerpiece of any hearty meal. As the sweet taste is almost always […]