Suffering from acidity after a heavy meal? Tired and just back from a long day in the sun? Well, before you reach for that bottle of iced tea, soda or iced water, try a glass of buttermilk. A yummy, cool drink made from yogurt and digestive spices such as cumin, coriander and mint, and salt.
Bad Food Combinations – Are you guilty?
Food combining is something that is very rarely mentioned or considered in Western nutrition but it is super, super important in Ayurveda.
Every food has its own unique qualities and personality… and some foods just don’t get along with each other very well. When forced to hang out together in your belly, they can behave very differently than they might if eaten alone, and not in a good way! This make sense to me intellectually but also intuitively. You can just feel it when you’ve eaten a bad combo…