We know intuitively that real food is better than take-out! Let me explain how by introducing you to Sheila. When I first saw Sheila, she looked 10 years older than her 40-something age. As a yoga instructor, with her own yoga studio, she taught four ninety minute classes per day, which meant very little time to eat properly. Sheila may have had the super-skinny body of a model, but her face told a different story – it was dry, heavily creased, and deeply wrinkled. She did not sleep well at night, always woke up tired, and worried constantly about money and her business. She spent most of her day irritable and cranky, despite the effects that the yoga was supposed to be having on her. Her skimpy eating habits consisted of grabbing protein shakes and bars and a quick sandwich in between classes. Her evening meal was a salad she picked up from the pizza place on the way home. She experienced gas and bloating every time she ate, had poor sleep and was tired most of the time. I told her the five reasons why cooking real food beats take-out!
ayurveda recipes
Ayurveda Christmas Day Menu
Let me share with you my Ayurvedically balanced Christmas Dinner Menu, in case you are still looking for ideas. Feel free to print out this menu –I have attached links below to all the recipes.
Holiday Festive First Aid Kit
Let’s face it, the holidays aren’t really a time to completely rest and relax, no matter how much we wish they were! Often, we find ourselves running around after the kids, welcoming family into our homes and spending copious amounts time in the supermarket. This is also the time of year when Vata and Kapha dosha are high. Fear, anxiety, worry and rushing around increase, as well as a heavier, more stagnant feeling in the body. All of this combined means we can feel totally deflated, drained and struggling to get back to our normal routine. Holidays can be a particularly challenging time of the year when we first adopt an Ayurvedic lifestyle. “What can I eat?” or “How will I manage the added stress?” are questions that spring to mind. This guide to an Ayurvedic ‘Festive First Aid Kit’ will help keep you on track to enjoy the celebrations without completely derailing your hard work and healthy lifestyle.
Yeah for Fall Chai!
Chai Tea Health Benefits
Did you know that you would have to drink three cups of chai tea to achieve the same amount of caffeine you get in a single cup of coffee? That means switching to chai will cut your caffeine intake dramatically, even if you have an extra cup. Chai is an easy and enjoyable way to get off the stimulant/fatigue treadmill and enjoy something that is actually good for you!