Love your Liver!

Hi there,

A client recently came to see me at UPMC for some chronic digestive problems and I could tell that her liver was congested. Quite rightly she was a little concerned and asked me:

“Is this something serious? What should I do?”

This is the gist of what I said…

“Consider this a wake-up call. A congested or stagnant liver won’t put you in immediate danger, but it will produce symptoms—in your case digestive problems—that lower your quality of life and indicate that you may be headed for trouble down the road.”

Let’s think of liver congestion as a precondition for more serious problems. It occurs before Western medicine can detect any sign of liver malfunction, and it is a “condition” you can remedy.

Both Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine attribute liver congestion to heat that is trapped in the liver. They seek to clear and cool the organ through lifestyle changes and herbal treatments.

The liver is a natural multi-tasker: it plays a large role in metabolism, helps build proteins, breaks down hormones, clears toxins from the bloodstream, and much more. Ayurveda views the liver as “hot” or “pittic” because the fiery, dynamic energy of pitta—one of the three metabolic constitutions (along with vata and kapha) that regulate the physiological functions of the body—guides and supports these myriad functions of the liver. Too much fiery energy, however, can accumulate in the liver and lead to physical problems.

What might those problems be?

Ayurveda describes symptoms caused by excess pitta as headaches; flushed face; red, burning eyes; acne; nosebleeds; and outbursts of anger. Add inflammation, allergies, and symptoms of indigestion (like heartburn) to the list. Changes in lifestyle—like eating cooling foods, getting regular exercise, and taking time to relax—are often enough to bring pitta back into functional balance.

Herbal First Aid

Many herbs that support liver function can calm and pacify imbalanced pitta and reduce liver congestion. Some of them increase bile flow, others support the enzymatic detox processes, and some simply nourish or stabilize the liver. The herbs listed below are generally safe for clearing liver stagnation, but if you have a significant liver condition, it’s best to consult an experienced health practitioner before treating yourself.


Universally recognized as strengthening for digestion, bitter herbs cause a reflexive secretion of gastric juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. They also support detoxification by helping the liver process incoming nutrients and filter impurities from circulation. And they have antibacterial and heat-clearing properties, which support immunity and pitta balance. Herbalists often combine barberry, turmeric, dandelion, celandine, goldenseal, gentian, chiretta, and/or neem in “bitter” formulas. These herbs are best taken in small doses as tea or diluted extracts 20 to 30 minutes before a meal to support liver function, detoxification, and digestion. (Pregnant women should check with their doctor first.) I will suggest a Neem tincture; 30 drops in 1 tbsp water daily. If you are unsure where to get Neem – try this link to Banyan Botanicals. I really like their herbal support; it is organic and sustainable, both things that are important to me.


Herbal wisdom says that in order to efficiently clean up a toxic liver, your bowels need to move—otherwise, toxins removed from the liver get reabsorbed rather than excreted. According to Ayurveda, pitta accumulates in the small intestines, and purgatives (laxatives) help to release it.

One of the gentlest purgatives, and the one I prescribe most often, is the classic bowel tonic triphala for long-term regulation; try two capsules before bedtime daily for two to three months.

Liver Tonics

Milk thistle has become a relatively well-known liver tonic in recent years, as more research has demonstrated its effectiveness in reversing chemical-induced liver damage and preventing liver toxicity during chemotherapy. Considered nontoxic, milk thistle can be taken for months and is a common ingredient in “liver support” formulas because of the way it nourishes and strengthens the organ.

I recommend Liver Cleanse to clients too as it’s an excellent detoxifier and rejuvenative for the liver. A powerful combination of bitter herbs act as natural purgatives that cleanse the liver of accumulated natural toxins. This energetically cooling formula pacifies pitta and helps support the healthy production of bile. These herbs nourish and strengthen the liver tissues, promoting proper digestion of fat and a healthy metabolism. It’s a great belend of herbs to support optimal liver function, which is an important component in overall health and well-being

Live for Your Liver 

Overall, both ancient wisdom and modern science agree that how we live has a huge effect on our livers. So even though you can’t avoid chemical contaminants completely, you can keep your liver healthy if you just take care of it by following these suggestions:

  • Nourish yourself well. Eat good-quality food when you are hungry. Avoid overeating (more liver burden) and refined or heavily processed food.
  • Remember that high-fiber diets help keep the bowels, liver, and blood clean by facilitating elimination. Hydration also helps.
  • Fast on fresh juices for a day—or even just a meal—every week or two.
  • Minimize exposure to chemicals of all sorts—from food additives and cosmetics to caustic cleaning agents. Remember that the liver needs to break down every chemical entering the body either for use or excretion.
  • Use recreational drugs and alcohol sparingly—or better yet, quit!
  • Experiment with some bitter or liver tonic herbs for six to eight weeks. Note any changes in body, energy, or mind.
  • Take time to breathe deeply, relax, meditate, or pray. Stress can aggravate liver congestion.
  • Your liver is incredibly capable. Trust that it can cope with whatever you’ve exposed it to so far and then do your best to make its to-do list a little less long!

Consider a Few Lifestyle Changes

The obesity epidemic has everyone concerned about body mass index, but the condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that often accompanies it also demands our attention (incidence in the West is estimated at 20 to 40 percent). In many ways, it is the physical manifestation of what ayurveda calls liver congestion. The liver is literally clogged with undigested fat (triglycerides).

Studies have linked this condition to the increased consumption of poor-quality food (especially high-fructose corn syrup and trans-fats). In agreement with Ayurveda, recent research points to lifestyle modifications such as diet, moderate exercise, and stress management for treating NAFLD and improving liver function.

Follow a Pitta-Balancing Lifestyle

Pitta can be an asset: Physically, pitta creates strong digestive fire, warmth, and vitality. Mentally, people with strong pittic constitutions are intelligent, organized, industrious, and efficient. But to their detriment, pitta-dominant people can also get overheated easily, sweat readily, and get irritable when hungry or frustrated. They tend to work long hours, push themselves hard, and often have perfectionist, critical temperaments.

This intense state of mind creates more energetic “heat” on top of an already hot physical system. Not everyone has a pittic constitution, of course, but stress, hot chilies, and even the summer sun can cause just about anyone to overheat, which may lead to excess pitta, inflammation, headaches, skin rashes, allergies, high blood pressure, or liver congestion. Below is a list of tips for keeping pitta in check:

Eat food that is cool, dry, light, sweet, and bitter, such as:

  • beans
  • green vegetables (especially bitter salad greens and cabbage family)
  • sweet fruits
  • whole grains (especially oats and barley)
  •  and fresh dairy (in moderation).
  •  If you have strong, pittic digestion you can also handle large amounts of raw food, which is cooling and balancing for excess heat.
  • Cut back on heating foods and heating tastes, including: oil, salt, hot spices, fermented food (alcohol, vinegar), tomatoes, egg yolks, coffee, red meat, refined flour and sugar,

Chill out!

  • Take a break from mental work and stretch, breathe, walk, or create. Practicing yoga, taking a bike ride, spending a day in the mountains, singing in a choir, and taking a pottery class are all great ways to shift your mind to a more relaxed, open place.
  • Exercise regularly at moderate intensity.
  • Avoid being super-competitive and stop before exhausting yourself.
  • Express yourself.
  • Pittic intensity needs an outlet, so use art, movement, and speaking to express yourself.

If you take care of your liver- it will love you back! Start today with my 5 Day Anti-Inflammatory Cleanse which will cleanse and nourish your liver, and help bring Pitta dosha back into balance!

In health,